Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Part 1 - Encouragement to Step into your Calling

  • 2

    Aligning Priorities with God : Step 1

    • Stop What's Throwing You Off Track

    • Step 1 Journaling Prompts

  • 3

    Identifying Your Calling: Step 2

    • Discovering God's Instructions to Create The Vision

    • Step 2 Journaling Prompts

  • 4

    Discovering Which Talents & Gifts to Use : Step 3

    • Unboxing What God Can Do

    • Step 3 Journaling

  • 5

    Seeing the Blueprint God is Laying before you: Step 4

    • Expecting God to Do Something New

    • Step 4 Journaling

  • 6

    Embracing Faith takes Risks: Step 5

    • How to Take the Steps

    • Step 5 Journaling

    • Copy of Personal Intake

  • 7

    Welcome to Part 2 - Encouragement to Keep Moving Forward

    • Permission to Pause and Digest

  • 8

    God's Grace to Move Forward

    • Part 2 God's Grace Reading Section

  • 9

    Developing Steps of Obedience to Your Calling: Step 6

    • Lean in to the Learning Experiences

    • Step 6: Journaling

  • 10

    God's Strategy to Shine in Your Weakness: Step 7

    • Operating in God's Grace over the Devil's Discouragement

    • Step 7 Journaling

  • 11

    How to Fully Activate Grace: Step 8

    • Covered in Grace as you Learn to Walk Humbly with Your God

    • Step 8 Journaling

  • 12

    Seeing the Transformation of Your Calling Through God's Eyes: Step 9

    • Getting the Big Vision of what God is Doing as His Plan Keeps Pursuing You

    • Step 9 Journaling

  • 13

    Finish establishing all those STEPS (step....step.. step, step, step) YOU MADE IT!! Cross the starting line!

    • Shining more Jesus in all He is doing and had Done

    • Step 10 Journaling